Dr Alexandra Davies

Jul 12, 20182 min

Invisalign Go

Clear aligner therapy or Invisalign Go as it is more commonly known, is a system that uses clear flexible trays that clip onto the tooth arch with strategically placed composite attachments. Within five months this gentle, almost invisible treatment will help correct minor misalignment issues. It does not only result in a more balanced smile, but may help correct rotations in teeth that would otherwise limit the aesthetic result of planned restorative work.

Please ring the number in the photo and speak to one of our friendly receptionists who will arrange a consultation for you. During this consultation the treatment process will be explained in detail and you will be able to ask Dr Davies all your questions. Photos of your teeth and face will be taken and uploaded to the Invisalign site for analysis. Within five minutes the result will be sent to Dr Davies, who will explain how your case will be managed. You will be given an information leaflet and a consent form to review and a cooling off period for a week. Dr Davies will then call you to discuss your decision and if you have decided to go ahead, she will hand you to the reception team to continue planning the treatment pathway. If you are seen by one of the other Dentists at the practice who don't provide Invisalign, rest assured that all the necessary information is relayed back to Dr Davies and she will be in touch with you.

At the next appointment, a full exam and x-rays will be done to rule out an dental issues before iGo can commence.

You will be asked to sign some consent forms and the risks will be explained to you. Upper and Lower silicone impressions will be taken and sent to Invisalign so that a computerised treatment plan may be sent to Dr Davies for your approval. Please note that a non-refundable deposit of £150 is taken at the end of this appointment.

Within a week, you will be asked to come in to view your personalised Clincheck. If you are happy with the final result, Dr Davies will approve the treatment plan and Invisalign will start making your custom clear aligners. Please note that a non-refundable lab fee of £850 is taken at the end of this appointment.

At your fourth appointment, which is usually within 10 days of the treatment plan approval, you will have IPR (interproximal stripping) if required, composite attachments placed (if necessary) and your first tray fitted. You will be given an appointment schedule and your aligners. You will change your aligners approximately every 7-10 days as recommended by Dr Davies. You will also receive a complementary Waterpik Water Flosser (as per the Dream Smile package mentioned above).

Mid way into your aligner therapy, you will be given 6 whitening syringes and shown how to effectively use them.

The week you are due to start wearing your final aligner you will have new impressions made and sent off for your Vivera retainers, so that at your final appointment with Dr Davies, she can remove your attachments and then you will only need to wear the retainers at night, to prevent further tooth movement.

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